CYO Contacts
Aaron Locks
aaronlocks (at) me (dot) com
Vice President:
Dennis Magatelli
Dmags1 (at) Hotmail (dot) com
Graham Haun
arhaun (at) aol (dot) com
Jenny Sanchietti
jenny (at) sancheiettifarming (dot) com
Scott Stroud
scott (at) northbaycpa (dot) com
Athletic Directors
Church of Assumption (COA)
Trisha Mello
trisha.mellow (at) ymail (dot) com
Jenny Sanchietti
jenny (at) sanchiettifarming (dot) com
Our Lady of Guadalupe (OLG)
Pam Spath
mrsspath (at) yahoo (dot) com
St. Apollinaris
Chris Padowan
cpadowan (at) gmail (dot) com
St. Elizabeth
Damon Rodriguez
djrod23 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net
St. Eugene
Jon (JC) Cromwell
joncromwell13 (at) gmail (dot) com
St. Francis
Tim Brophy
t2brophy (at) yahoo (dot) com
St. John
Graham Haun
arhaun (at) aol (dot) com
St. Mary
Cassandra Borgna
cassborgna17 (at) yahoo (dot) com
St. Rose
Aaron Locks
aaron (at) naofa (dot) us
St. Sebastian
Tucker Hemquist
saintsebastiancyo (at) gmail (dot) com
St. Vincent
Scott Stroud
scott (at) northbaycpa (dot) com